How to stay safe during the monsoon???

 Children play in the rain in this undated file photo.

Who doesn’t care for the petrichor — the earthy rain-soaked smell that exudes from the soil post a rain shower? The rain, the thunder, and the fresh foliage, accompanied by pleasant weather, create a perfect backdrop for ‘Sawan’ related songs while enjoying add pakoras and chai.

But if you live in Karachi, that is where you pause the dream. From logistical to infrastructure issues that afflict Karachi, the rainy season is one that you welcome with caution and a certain amount of apprehension. 

Good preparation and enjoyment are directly proportionate. Therefore, if you wish to enjoy this time of the year without facing any unfortunate incidents, you must adhere to some safety tips, individually and as a household.

Karachi, home to almost 20 million people, has the unenviable reputation of being one of the most unplanned cities in the world, with its infrastructure struggling to support its populace. 

A good five decades ago, with a significant but manageable population, the city was known for its wide roads, tram, and public bus service, pleasant weather, and an organized, rather classy way of life.

Over the next few decades, increasing trade and commerce activity attracted continuous internal migration of people from smaller cities and towns towards this growing metropolis. 

The sprawling growth led to mismanagement and erratic development of towns and katchi abadis — resulting in major deterioration of the infrastructure, making Karachi the 6th largest city in terms of population, putting unprecedented stress on the city’s resources — water, power, and planning.

Amongst Karachi’s stakeholders, the one most concerned and proactively looking into this is perhaps the only vertically integrated power supply company, K- Electric. Their rain safety warnings are a good blueprint for other stakeholders to emulate.

With storm warnings in the recent past and now the monsoon season, rains have already started with occasional slight drizzles. 

While I love the Karachi monsoon, it is but a harsh fact that the state of the present infrastructure puts a dampener on the celebrations. 

That is why I felt it would be a good idea to share it here for the benefit of all who read this piece:

Avoid accidents: Be careful 

Don’t touch wires — simple to follow and easy to maintain. 

Ideally, all wires need to be covered or channeled for safety. Water may seep through walls; therefore, wires and sockets are not to be handled without safety gloves. 

Educate children about staying away from fallen wires as they may be live.

Unplug electrical devices

All electrical appliances must remain unplugged when not in use. In addition to being safe, it results in big savings on electricity bills. 

Do not park your vehicles directly under power lines or next to utility poles during the monsoon season. 

It is also recommended to avoid ringing people’s doorbells while it’s pouring, particularly if the bell isn’t covered by some sort of shade and is exposed to water.

Keep calm: Enjoy the rain

No walks in rain puddles: please keep to dry sidewalks and avoid stepping into the water, especially on streets or when around poles or fallen wires, as water is an electricity conductor.

Keep plastic slippers/shoes handy: Raincoats and umbrellas should be a permanent feature of our entrance cabinets or stands for people to take along when stepping outside during rain.

Keep first aid emergency kits handy:

First aid emergency kits should be readily accessible and everyone in the house should know where they are. Anti-mosquito ointments or coils need to be part of your monthly rations for the next two months.

Health, personal safety come first:

Stagnant water is home to bugs: make sure that rainwater does not accumulate in any area that can prove as a habitat for mosquitos and other such insects and lead to diseases like malaria and dengue as well as skin infections.

Be wary of the open manholes: Open manholes pose a danger to inhabitants. This hazard is further accentuated during rain for both pedestrians and bike riders/car drivers, and one should be careful to avoid them. 

The contamination by sewerage water can also cause potential health issues for children who like to play in water puddles.

I will be happy if such lists can be shared by schools and hospitals too. Maybe they can add more to it, and we can all have a complete preparedness kit for monsoons to enjoy them better.  

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